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CUNY Policy on Sexual Misconduct

Every member of The City University of New York community, including students, employees and visitors, deserves the opportunity to live, learn and work free from sexual harassment, gender-based harassment and sexual violence. This is the sole policy at CUNY addressing sexual harassment, gender-based harassment and sexual violence and is applicable at all college and units at the University. The CUNY community should also be aware of the following policies that apply to other forms of sex discrimination, as well as to other types of workplace violence and domestic violence that affect the workplace:

The CUNY Workplace Violence Policy addresses workplace violence and the CUNY Domestic Violence in the Workplace Policy addresses domestic violence in or affecting employees in the workplace.

Prohibited Conduct

A. Sexual Harassment, Gender-Based Harassment and Sexual Violence

This policy prohibits sexual harassment, gender-based harassment and sexual violence against any CUNY student, employee or visitor.

Sexual harassment includes unwelcome conduct of a sexual nature, such as unwelcome sexual advances, requests for sexual favors, and other verbal, nonverbal, graphic and electronic communications or physical conduct that is sufficiently serious to adversely affect an individual's participation in employment, education or other CUNY activities.

Gender-based harassment is unwelcome conduct of a nonsexual nature based on an individual's actual or perceived sex, including conduct based on gender identity, gender expression, and nonconformity with gender stereotypes that is sufficiently serious to adversely affect an individual's participation in employment, education or other CUNY activities.

Sexual violence is an umbrella term that includes sexual assault, such as rape/attempted rape, criminal sexual act, forcible touching, and sexual abuse. If of a sexual nature, stalking/cyberstalking (hereinafter "stalking") and dating, domestic and intimate partner violence may also constitute sexual harassment, gender-based harassment or sexual violence.

B. Retaliation

This policy prohibits retaliation against any person who reports sexual harassment, gender-based harassment or sexual violence, assists someone making such a report, or participates in any manner in an investigation or resolution of a sexual harassment, gender-based harassment or sexual violence complaint.

C. Certain Intimate Relationships

This policy also prohibits certain intimate relationships when they occur between a faculty member or employee and any student for whom he or she has a professional responsibility. Sexual-Misconduct-Policy.pdf (

Title IX Coordinator

Each college or unit of CUNY has an employee who has been designated as the Title IX Coordinator. This employee is responsible for compliance with Title IX of the Education Amendments of 1972, which prohibits sex discrimination, including sexual harassment, gender-based harassment and sexual violence, in education programs. The Title IX Coordinator has overall responsibility for implementing this policy, including overseeing the investigation of complaints at her/his college or unit and carrying out the other functions of that position set forth in this policy.

  • Arlene Peterson has been designated as the Title IX Coordinator for York College. Her office is located in Room AC-2H04 and her telephone number is (718) 262-2137. The Title IX Coordinator is responsible for investigating complaints of discrimination or denial of benefits based on sex in any educational program or activity. Anyone in imminent danger of harm should contact Public Safety at (718) 262-2222 or dial 911 immediately. The Public Safety Office is in the Academic Core Building, Room 1M02.

  • Arlene Peterson is the designated 504/ADA officer for York College. This individual is responsible for supporting the Office of Diversity and Compliance and the Center for Students with Disabilities in coordinating the policies which fall under the Americans with Disabilities Act of 1990, effective January 26, 1992, and Section 504 of the Rehabilitation Act of 1973 (P.L. 93-112), which prohibits discrimination on the basis of disability. Ms. Peterson's office is located in Room AC-2H04 and her telephone number is (718) 262-2137. Charmaine Townsell, Senior Director of Student Wellness & Resources, is Director over the Center for Students with Disabilities. Her office is in Room AC-1G02 and her phone number is 718-262-2274.

Note: For a copy of the complete policy, go to: