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Admission Decisions

A departmental admissions committee bases admission decision on review of a complete application. Once the department has conducted its review, the Office of Admissions sends official notification of the department’s admission decision to the applicant. Although the department or program may contact the student about admission, the college letter is the official indication of acceptance.

Deferring/Postponing Acceptance

Applicants who are admitted for the fall or spring and wish to defer or postpone their attendance must first receive permission from the department Chair of the Master’s program. Admission for a particular semester does not guarantee that an applicant will be admitted to a subsequent semester.

Commitment Deposit

Incoming students are required to pay a $250 deposit by a particular deadline to indicate their intent to enroll and secure their seat in the class. The deposit is credited toward their tuition and fees in their first semester.

Reactivation Policy

Reactivation of an application for admission by students who have been admitted, but have failed to register for classes will proceed as follows: no fee will be charged for reactivation requests for the next semester. After one semester, students must pay the $125 application fee, and have their record reevaluated based on current requirements. Applicants may not request more than two reactivations. Deadlines for students reapplying are the same as those for new applicants.

Appeals Policy

Applicants who are denied admission may appeal directly to the Program Director of the Master's program to which they have applied.