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Committee on Academic Policy and Standards (CAPS)

The Committee on Academic Policy and Standards (CAPS) is a standing committee of the York College Senate. The Committee consists of twelve members, including students, faculty, and administrators.

CAPS is designated to review the following petitions presented before them in reference to graduate students:

  1. Excess Credit Allowance

  2. Extension of Incomplete (INC) Grade

  3. Grade Appeal

  4. Grade Change

  5. Retroactive Withdrawal

  6. Waiver of Degree Requirements

  7. Other

All petitions must include a typewritten personal statement describing in detail the relief requested. The student must provide supporting documentation for all petitions. No petition will be accepted or acted upon after a student has been certified for graduation.

Excess Credit Allowance

For students in good academic standing, the maximum number of credits for the Fall and Spring semester(s) is 18; for the Winter session, 6; for Summer session I and Extended Summer session, 6 credits; for Summer session II, 6 credits. A student may petition for an excess credit(s) allowance to exceed these limits. To be eligible for excess credit(s) allowance, a student must have a minimum of a Grade Point Average (GPA) of 3.0 or above at York College, and have no outstanding Incomplete (INC) grades. The student must also submit a typed personal statement explaining the reason for wanting to petition for excess credits for the semester or session they are applying for.

Extension of Incomplete (INC) Grade

A student may petition to extend the deadline to complete work for course(s) in which an INC grade has been assigned. The student must submit documentation of the extenuating circumstance that is preventing completion of the coursework by the published deadline. Graduate advisor/department chair support of the student completing the work after the deadline must be attached to the petition.

Grade Appeal

A student may appeal a grade to the Committee on Academic Policy and Standards (CAPS) within the first six weeks of the academic semester after receiving the grade. Prior to submitting a petition appealing a grade, a student must attempt to resolve the issue by consulting with the instructor and the department chair for the course in question. If the issue is not resolved after consultation, a petition may be filed. In the Grade Appeal, the student must provide evidence that the instructor deviated from the published grading criteria and syllabus for the course. In addition, instructor and department chair input will be solicited by CAPS if not provided in the petition.

Decisions on grade appeals are advisory in nature, and decisions in the student's favor will be delivered to the student, the instructor, the department chair and the Office of Academic Affairs. A successful grade appeal indicates only that the student has submitted sufficient evidence to show that the instructor deviated from the course syllabus and the published grading criteria and/or that evidence of bias in grading exists, and that a grade change may be warranted. CAPS do not have the authority to require that the decision of the grade appeal be reflected on the graduate student's transcript.

Grade Change

The Committee on Academic Policy and Standards reviews the following types of grade changes:

  • Incomplete to final grade changes submitted after the tenth week deadline of the subsequent semester

  • Any other grade change that is past the one-year deadline

Except for assigned INC grades, grading may only be based on work done during the semester the course was taken. There is a two-year limitation on appeals for retroactive change of transcript entry. Grades cannot be altered once a student has been certified for graduation. Petitions for late grade changes must be accompanied by the official change of grade form, along with documentation from the instructor as to the reasons for the delay in correcting the grade.

Retroactive Withdrawal

A student may petition to change grades of FIN or WU to W, or to assign a grade of W in a course(s) during the current semester for which the deadline has passed. The academic department must certify the student's last date of class attendance, and the student must provide evidence of the extenuating circumstance that prevented official withdrawal by the deadline.

Waiver of Degree Requirements

A student may petition for any of the following deviations from published degree requirements:

  • Waiver of the York College residency requirement

  • Waiver of the York College major residency requirement

Petitions must include documentation of the exceptional circumstances that prevent the student from satisfying the published requirements. Petitions must also include evidence of support by the graduate advisor/department chair for the deviation from the relevant academic department.


In addition to the previously described petition types, consideration of other types of policy waivers may be referred to CAPS by other units of York College. The same standards for supporting documentation and review will be applied to these petitions as to the previously defined petition categories.